Please follow these simple instructions to help you through your booking process.

  1. Click the ‘book now’ button for in-person booking and this will take you directly to the product page or you can click here.
  2. Select the days you would like to attend the Festival by clicking the button.
  3. Fill out the required drop-down fields in the booking form. Please Note: Audio Recordings are only available to those who have attended all the festival teachings.
  4. Click ‘add to cart’.
  5. You will be re-directed to your cart automatically.
  6. Click ‘checkout’ and fill out the required fields before submitting your booking.
  7. Upon making a booking, an acknowledgment email will be sent to you. The confirmation email will be sent at a later date.



Please follow these simple instructions to help you through your booking process.

  1. Click the ‘book now’ button for online and this will take you directly to the product page or you can click here.
  2. Fill out the required drop-down field in the booking form. Please Note: Audio Recordings are only available to those who have attended all the festival teachings.
  3. Click ‘add to cart’.
  4. You will be re-directed to your cart automatically.
  5. Click ‘checkout’ and fill out the required fields before submitting your booking.
  6. Upon making a booking, an acknowledgment email will be sent to you. The confirmation email with online links will be emailed to you on the 20th December.

Enjoy the Australian Festival 2023.